Want to get paid for what you know?
I'll show you how to get started making your first $1,000/month – in just 30 minutes per day.
I’m Lia Suzuki, an entrepreneur from Los Angeles, California, and the author of The Teacher (Aikido Italia Network, 2022). Thanks for stopping by!
You might know me as the founder of Aikido Kenkyukai International USA, an international organization of martial arts dojos. I'm also the creator of Lia Suzuki's Virtual Dojo, an online resource for martial artists.
But I’m also a business coach.

Not compromising one's values.
In 2002, a small group of students and I renovated an old machine shop and transformed it into a beautiful, serene dojo, just off the main drag in Santa Barbara, California.
As a bit of a purist, I was always determined to not make my livelihood from teaching martial arts. Instead, I followed the traditional, Japanese approach, which is to have a main job and run the dojo on the side.
But that presented a challenge - soon I had two jobs and was running my dojo with 50 students.
It was too much. I couldn't catch my breath - let alone create a strong base or "safety net" for the dojo.
When the recession hit in 2008, my students and I lost this beautiful, serene oasis that we had created together.
They made fun of me for starting a virtual dojo until...
After I dusted myself off and regrouped, I took a look at various business models.
I wanted to create a secondary revenue stream to supplement the dojo's income, but not consume all my time away from the dojo.
So in 2017, I started a "Virtual Dojo" - an online hub of resources to supplement my students' in-person training.
Most purists in the martial arts community made fun of me and criticized me for this, saying that you can't learn martial arts online.
Until 2020, that is...
When the pandemic hit, almost all Aikido teachers around the globe tried their hand at teaching online. And I, along with just a few other instructors, found myself at the forefront of that trend.

Transitioning from VHX to Kajabi.
At first I used various online tools to run my Virtual Dojo - Mailchimp, Wordpress, web hosting company, video hosting, etc. Then I discovered Kajabi and learned that it does everything you need all under one roof and for no extra fees.
Switching to Kajabi has saved me tons of time and money and this is what I use for all my online business needs.
It's not just about the money.
After living and training Aikido in Japan for 9 years, my dream has always been to share Aikido and its benefits with everyone.
Starting my online business - my Virtual Dojo - has enabled me to do just that. I've trained virtually with people from all over the world. And in some instances, this has lead to meeting them in person and training together in person.
I've taught seminars in person in Shanghai, Berlin, London, and countless other cities.
And the best part is that:
- I didn't have to become a tech wizard
- Every year, it requires less and less work, as my business structure and automations take shape.

Want to get paid for what you know in your spare time?
If so, you’re in the right place!
I've been able to create an online business from doing what I love and I want to show you exactly how I do it.
I’ve created a FREE download, where I teach you the exact 4-part system for creating $1,000 a month (or more!) in reliable and repeatable passive income – even if you have a super busy schedule!
In this FREE passive income download, you’ll learn:
- How to discover your hidden talent that people are willing to pay you for (and whether you can turn it into an online stream of income)
- The best and fastest way to get paying customers to your blog or site
- How you can transition from a full time job to working for yourself
- The exact tools and software I use
- How to automate your business so you make money 24/7 whether you're working or not!

If you have even 30 minutes a day, you can put this plan into action and begin creating an online business of your own.